“When my dear aunt Isabella told me about all the properties and effects of alpine herbs I was astonished – about how much she knew and about the plants themselves” is what Mirjam Wolf explains when talking about her series of cosmetics Resa Wants. That’s how her interest in soaps and lotions was awakened – products that are true gifts for body, mind, and soul. In her interview, Mirjam Wolf shares the secrets behind Resa Wants and she also explains why her products are the perfect souvenirs.
“That passion for herbs runs in the family.”
L.L./ Gemeinsam mit Ihrer Familie führen Sie die Pension Alpenfluh in Lech und bieten dort seit 2018 eigene Kosmetikprodukte von Resa Wants an. Wie sind Sie auf diese Idee gekommen?
M.W./ I had long been looking for a cosmetics line that would meet my own personal demands and go with the Alpenfluh’s very simplistic bathrooms. And because I found nothing particularly interesting on the market I came up with the idea of making my own products. Our guests’ response was extremely positive, Isabelle Burger from Hotel Berghof immediately shared their enthusiasm, and so it was decided: Resa Wants would find a place not just at Alpenfluh but also in many other special and passionately furbished places.
The passion for herbs runs in the family. Each year my parents will go out and collect wild herbs for teas that we offer at the guesthouse. Our kitchen only uses our own home-made herb salt. My aunt Isabella is our alchemist. Thanks to her comprehensive knowledge we are able to tell you something about each of the eight different herbs used in our products. The properties that plants have are truly astonishing! Some of them are very gentle, others more powerful. And together they are the perfect mixture to protect and strengthen. They are a great team and for our lotions we’ve decided to combine them with high-quality oils made from sunflower seeds and apricot kernels
“Put together, the herbs perfectly protect and strengthen.”
“We have developed a pure and authentic product.”
L.L./ Schafgarbe, wilde Möhre, Johanniskraut, gelber Steinklee, großer gelber Enzian, Arnika, Melisse und echtes Mädesüß – diese acht Kräuter finden sich in Resa Wants. Welche Philosophie verfolgen Sie?
M.W./ My soap and my lotion are supposed to be more than just a cosmetic product. They are more like feelgood products that remind you of fresh mountain air, of the good times in Lech, and a place of relaxation. Aside from that they are appealing accessories everyone wants to see on their sink. For us they have become daily companions that stand for our close connection with the Alps.
I think that the classic souvenir is totally outdated. Of course, I can only speak for myself: I personally love being given products that I can use, like regional delicacies or spa amenities – as opposed to trinkets that may be given with sweet intention but end up sitting around without reason. And I do think that my attitude is in line with today’s zeitgeist.
“I think that classic souvenir is completely outdated.”
L.L./ Was zeichnet Ihre Produkte aus?
M.W./ All Resa Wants products are unisex, vegan, and made in Austria. We have developed a pure authentic product that creates a logical connection with our home because of its ingredients. It’s good for us and contains pure hydrolates and herb extracts that occur naturally on the Arlberg. They are combined with apple juice, apricot kernel and sunflower seed oil to form somewhat tangy and stimulating fragrances. Any they all come from guaranteed organic sources.
“My soap and my lotion are supposed to me more than just a cosmetic product. They are feelgood products that remind you of fresh mountain air.”
“Resa Wants is unisex, vegan, and made in Austria.”
Resa Wants products are available in the following hotels:
- Hotel der Berghof
- Hotel Hinterwies
- Boutique-Hotel Schmelzhof
- Hotel Angela
- Strolz Sport- und Modehaus
- Park Hotel Vitznau (Schweiz)
- Pension Alpenfluh
Always up to date on Instagram: @resa_wants