Old story in a new cover

Old story in a new cover

The new edition of the book “Der Lawinen-Franz Josef” by Markus Fetz

Markus Fetz himself knew the story of Lawinen-Franz Josef (= avalanche Franz Josef) from when he was a schoolboy. Back when he was in elementary school it was the original edition in old gothic writing. And as he grew up the story of Lawinen-Franz Josef never left him, which is why the Lech-born graphic designer decided to design a new edition of the book.

Vier Abbildungen, 68 Seiten mit Klammerheftung – das originale Büchlein von 1914 erinnerte mehr an eine Broschüre als an ein Buch. Schon vor einigen Jahren hatte Markus Fetz die Idee, das Buch neu zu gestalten. Es dauerte aber bis Juni 2018, ehe das Projekt abgeschlossen war.

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Four illustrations, 68 stapled pages – the original booklet from 1914 looked more like a brochure than a book. A few years ago Markus Fetz already had the idea of creating a new design for the book. It took until 2018 for the project to be finished.

And now readers of all ages can look forward to a book of a larger format and printed on high-quality paper, stitched, with 28 illustrations on 80 pages. The beautiful illustrations are inspired by historic photographs, maps, and drawings – and, what with the lack of original materials – also by the graphic designer’s fantasy.

The hard-cover book is available at Huber-Hus, at Lech-Zürs tourism office, and on

Website icon www.lawinen-franzjosef.at

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