Hotels That Inspire
Patrick G. Rueff and the Success Formula of the Hotel Marketing Group

The Hotel Marketing Group, led by Patrick G. Rueff, is renowned for its innovative approaches to hotel marketing. For over 30 years, Rueff and his team have been helping independent hotels highlight their uniqueness and establish themselves sustainably in the market. With concepts like the KOMETENPRINZIP® (Comet Principle), a 108-step process from vision to implementation, and the philosophy "Fascinate, not Discount," he demonstrates how innovative strategies can captivate guests, employees, and investors alike. In this interview, the "Hotelmaker" shares insights into his work, current trends, and the challenges facing the hospitality industry.

"Those who aren't present in the world of social media don't exist."
L.L./ Warum sollten Hotels Ihre Dienste in Anspruch nehmen? Was können sie sich davon erhoffen?
P.R./ Wir helfen Privathotels, sich mit außergewöhnlichen Konzepten deutlich von der Masse abzuheben. Dabei begleiten wir sie ganzheitlich, von der Entwicklung bis zur Vermarktung. Je einzigartiger das Hotel, desto weniger Budget muss später in Marketing investiert werden. Ein starkes Konzept zieht Gäste, Medien und Mitarbeiter fast automatisch an. Wir unterstützen mutige Hoteliers dabei, sichtbar zu werden und ihre Betriebe nachhaltig erfolgreich zu positionieren. Wir haben mehr als 200 Hotelkonzepte entwickelt und viele zählen heute zu den Best-Case-Betriebe ihrer Kategorie. Das Premium Eco Resort Priesteregg, das Lifestylehotel mama thresl oder das Boutiquehotel Werdenfelserei sind nur einige Beispiele.
L.L./ Why should hotels utilize your services? What can they expect to gain?
P.R./ We help independent hotels stand out significantly from the crowd with extraordinary concepts. Our approach is holistic, guiding them from development to marketing. The more unique the hotel, the less budget is needed for marketing later on. A strong concept naturally attracts guests, media, and staff. We support bold hoteliers in becoming visible and sustainably positioning their businesses for success. We’ve developed over 200 hotel concepts, many of which are now best-in-class in their category. The Premium Eco Resort Priesteregg, the lifestyle hotel mama thresl, and the boutique hotel Werdenfelserei are just a few examples.
L.L./ Can there be too much marketing? How can oversaturation be avoided?
P.R./ Yes, excessive marketing can be off-putting, especially in the premium segment where exclusivity is key. This also applies to on-site branding. Plastering logos and hotel names on bathrobes, menus, and similar items is overkill and can irritate guests. In this case, less is more: a simple icon or brand symbol is sufficient for interior spaces and appears more subtle.
"The more unique the hotel, the less budget needs to be invested in marketing later."
L.L./ Sollte jedes Hotel auf Social Media aktiv sein? Welche Stolperfallen gibt es?
P.R./ Die Mediennutzung und die Guest Journey von der Inspiration bis zur Buchung einer Reise hat sich in den letzten Jahren massiv verändert. Wer in der Social Media Welt nicht präsent ist, existiert nicht. Social Media ist daher ein Muss, aber nicht jede Plattform passt zu jedem Hotel. Wichtig ist, die Plattformen zu wählen, die zur Zielgruppe des Hotels passen. Authentizität ist dabei oberste Priorität. Der Betrieb sollte sich so zeigen, wie er ist – das schafft Vertrauen und Bindung. Stolperfallen liegen in Überinszenierung und Beliebigkeit, daher sollte jede Maßnahme klar zur Marke passen.
L.L./ Should every hotel be active on social media? What pitfalls should they avoid?
P.R./ Media consumption and the guest journey—from inspiration to booking—have changed dramatically in recent years. If you're not present in the world of social media, you simply don't exist. Social media is therefore a must, but not every platform suits every hotel. It’s crucial to select platforms that align with the hotel’s target audience. Authenticity is the top priority. The hotel should present itself as it truly is—this builds trust and loyalty. The pitfalls lie in over-curation and a lack of focus; every action should clearly align with the brand.
L.L./ How do you measure the success of your work?
P.R./ Success cannot be measured by a single factor like occupancy rates. We evaluate a combination of eight key performance indicators (KPIs), including profitability, brand image, and guest loyalty. This broad monitoring approach provides us with a realistic overview of how sustainably a hotel is being operated and how successfully it is performing in the market.
L.L./ What role does artificial intelligence (AI) play in the hotel industry?
P.R./ AI will revolutionize the hospitality sector. It eases the workload for teams, optimizes processes, and takes over tasks that were previously performed by humans. Given the labor shortage, AI will become indispensable. It can automate administrative work while simultaneously creating personalized experiences—perfectly complementing human hospitality. Although few are willing to openly admit it, AI will replace many current jobs in the hospitality industry. However, beyond cost savings, I see another significant advantage for independent hotels: empathetic hotel concepts where guests experience genuine human connection and appreciation will achieve remarkable success.

"With the KOMETENPRINZIP®, a hotel becomes a shining star that inspires for the long term."
L.L./ What is the KOMETENPRINZIP® and how do you ensure the "tail" doesn't burn out?
P.R./ The KOMETENPRINZIP® is our recipe for success. It’s built on three phases—Dream, Plan, Do—and includes 108 steps tailored to each hotel. We start with concept development (Dream), refine it further (Plan), and then implement all marketing measures (Do). This ensures the hotel remains relevant over the long term and continues to captivate guests time and again.
L.L./ Why should a business choose to work with one company instead of multiple agencies?
P.R./ A clear structure is crucial for success. As the lead agency, we take on the coordination of all measures and bring in specialists when needed. This avoids chaos and ensures a focused implementation. With an experienced main coordinator, many creative minds can work together efficiently.
L.L./ What are the key elements of successful hotel marketing?
P.R./ The most important element is the right mindset of the hotelier: empathy for guests and the courage to take new paths. A strong hotel concept forms the foundation, and actions need to be implemented in the correct sequence. Creativity and pragmatism ultimately ensure the hotel stands out and captivates its guests.

"Authenticity and genuine human connection will be the key success factors of the future."
L.L./ What makes your work as a hotelmaker unique?
P.R./ I create hotel personalities that are truly unique and emotionally resonate with guests. My concepts stand out in the market, allowing hotels to captivate through fascination rather than discounts. Additionally, I offer online courses for independent hoteliers, guiding them in developing exceptional concepts and successfully competing against chain hotels.
L.L./ Why is the personality of the hotelier so important?
P.R./ The personality of the hotelier significantly shapes the hotel. It brings authenticity and makes the property truly unique. Especially in owner-operated hotels, this personal touch is the key to building trust and creating an emotional connection with guests.
L.L./ What inspired you to develop the KOMETENPRINZIP®?
P.R./ Many hotels struggled to thrive in the market with interchangeable concepts. With the KOMETENPRINZIP®, I help hotels first create a strong concept that makes them truly unique. Only then do we focus on targeted marketing—efficiently and cost-effectively.

"Discounts often lead to a downward spiral – our approach focuses on quality and the value of the guest experience."
L.L./ What challenges is independent hospitality currently facing?
P.R./ Independent hotels face competition from hotel chains and OTAs. Many struggle with labor shortages and marketing pressure. My goal is to support these businesses with strong concepts and a clear marketing strategy—both online and offline.
L.L./ What does "Fascinate, not Discount" mean?
P.R./ Instead of relying on discounts, we focus on creating extraordinary experiences that captivate and retain guests. This strategy not only enables higher pricing but also ensures a sustainable position in the market.
L.L./ How do your online courses specifically support hoteliers?
P.R./ Our courses provide practical step-by-step guidance for developing and marketing unique hotel concepts. With insights from over 100 industry experts, hoteliers learn how to position their businesses clearly and lead them to long-term success.
L.L./ What trends are currently most important in the hospitality industry?
P.R./ Authenticity, sustainability, and personalized experiences are at the forefront. Guests are looking for places that move and inspire them. Our concepts focus on these aspects to transform hotels into true destinations of longing.
L.L./ How important is online marketing for hotels?
P.R./ Online marketing is indispensable. From the hotel's own website to social media and SEO, all channels must be perfectly aligned to reach guests effectively. Our courses and consulting services help hoteliers master these processes.
L.L./ What sets your work apart from other hotel consultants?
P.R./ My approach is holistic. We combine concept development, positioning, and marketing. With 30 years of experience and a network of industry experts, I provide solutions that are sustainable and tailored to the unique needs of each business.
L.L./ What motivates you to continually develop new hotel concepts?
P.R./ Every project is unique. I’m driven by helping hotels discover their identity and create something extraordinary. The success of my clients—both in attracting guests and standing out in the job market—is the greatest reward for me.
Patrick G. Rueff, founder of the Hotel Marketing Group and renowned hotelmaker, is an expert in creating exceptional hotel concepts. With over 30 years of experience and his signature KOMETENPRINZIP® (Comet Principle), he transforms hotels into unique brands that captivate guests on an emotional level. His philosophy, "Fascinate, not Discount," emphasizes authenticity and quality over price reductions. Through consulting, online courses, and strategic marketing, he provides sustainable support to independent hotels.