KUNSTRAUM ZUG presents SPECIFIC OBJECTS by Aldo Bakker, a collection of pouring vessels that were exhibited at the Kunstmuseum in The Hague in 2022 and are now being shown alongside larger objects from his oeuvre.
“The objects Aldo Bakker designs can be categorized as sculptures, furniture, and pouring vessels. For the last category, Bakker uses the Dutch neologism „schenkers“. The verb ‘schenken’ in Dutch, is an ambiguous word, as it means to pour, but also to give. The German noun ‘Schenker’, however, only refers to a person who gives, but not to a vessel that pours. But pouring is giving. That suggests that Bakker’s neologism ‘Schenker’ does not refer to conventional vessels, but also to objects that give new forms to the world. Subsequently, also his sculptures and furniture are examples of new forms given to the world.”
Ernst van Alphen
Opening hours:
10 Dec 2023 – 1 Apr 2024Thu, Fri, Sun
3 – 6 pm or by appointment